You can contact us in a number of ways:
For general enquiries about the charity please contact the secretary by email at: or by phone on 0300 3020474.
For accounting / financial enquiries please contact the treasurer by email at:
To contact us about Musical Youth Theatre Stafford you can contact the MYTS secretary directly by email at:
For information, to join, or to make a booking through our MTS Foundation please contact us by email at: or by phone on 0300 3020474
Tickets for all our shows can be obtained by contacting Stafford Gatehouse Theatre on their box office number: 01785 619080.
or by visiting their website:
Enquiries regarding tickets can also be made to
If you represent a school or youth group you may wish to join our MTS Foundation, and get massive savings on tickets to appropriate shows.
If you are interested in becoming a member please contact us by email at Those interested in joining MYTS, or have children that are please contact the MYTS secretary by emailing
Charity Trustees
Musical Theatre Stafford is a CIO, registered charity number 1196249 (formerly Stafford District Operatic Society). The charity is governed by a CIO Constution, and it's own policies, maintained by the members, and run in accordance with Charity Law by the elected Trustees:
- Laura Wattley (Elected Chair by member vote 2023)
- Craig Chesters
- Jess Smith
- Lucy Travers
- Sam Parton
- Isabella Dalby
- Laura Riddell
- Mike Hartley
- David Phizacklea
- Laura Marsden
- David Elliot
The 12th Trustee has yet to be coopted.
The President of Musical Theatre Stafford is Sue Zurawiel.
MYTS (Musical Youth Theatre Stafford) is run by a subcommittee of:
- Craig Chesters
- Sam Parton
- Alex Smith
- David Parton
- Diane Phizacklea